--- toast-linux	2004/09/20 03:41:33	1.119
+++ toast-linux	2004/09/20 06:31:34	1.120
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
+  s/!VERSION!/$version/g;
   s/^  /\t/mg;
-  s/!VERSION!/$version/g;
@@ -887,6 +887,9 @@
 mount -a
 ifconfig lo
 hostname localhost
+wget http://toastball.net/toast-linux-tmp/configure
+sh configure !VERSION!
 --- FILE root/etc/init.d/rc.stop ---
@@ -897,7 +900,7 @@
 --- FILE root/etc/init.d/rc.main ---
+[ -x /sbin/run ] && run
 sh --login
 --- FILE root/sbin/network ---
@@ -1010,195 +1013,6 @@
 exit 0
---- FILE root/sbin/timeout ---
-if [ -z "$seconds" -o "$seconds" -le 0 ]; then
-  echo "usage: $0 <seconds>" >&2
-  exit 1
-save="`stty -g`"
-while [ "$seconds" -gt 0 -a -z "$key" ]; do
-  echo -ne '\r'"$seconds "
-  stty raw -echo time 10 min 0 || exit $?
-  key="`dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null`"
-  stty "$save"
-  let seconds="$seconds - 1"
-echo -ne '\r          \r'
-[ -z "$key" ]
---- FILE root/sbin/task ---
-start="`date +'%s'`"
-[ -z "$LINES" ] && LINES=50
-[ -z "$COLUMNS" ] && COLUMNS=80
-if [ "$1" = "init" ]; then
-  [ -n "$TASK_INIT" ] && exit 0
-  shift
-  echo -ne '\33[9;0]'
-  for i in `seq 1 $LINES`; do echo; done
-  TASK_INIT=1 exec "$@"
-shift 2
-if [ -n "$TASK_INIT" ]; then
-  [ -r "$file" ] && exit 0
-  mkdir -p "$dir"
-  echo "$name $estimate" >> $list
-  : > "$file"
-  exit 0
-[ -s "$file" ] && exit 0
-  local h m s
-  case "$1" in
-    [0-9]*)
-      let h="$1/3600"
-      let m="($1/60)%60"
-      let s="$1%60"
-      printf "%d:%02d:%02d\n" "$h" "$m" "$s"
-      ;;
-    *)
-      echo "?:??:??"
-      ;;
-  esac
-p() { out="$out$*"; }
-let margin="$COLUMNS-1"
-while read n e; do
-  line="$line $n"
-  if echo "$line" | egrep -q ".{$margin}"; then
-    let firstline="1+$firstline"
-    p '\33[K\12'
-    line=" $n"
-  fi
-  p '\33[0;44m '
-  if [ "$name" = "$n" ]; then
-    p '\33[0;1m'
-    esofar="$etotal"
-    asofar="$atotal"
-  fi
-  let etotal="$etotal+$e"
-  [ -s "$dir/$n" ] && read a < "$dir/$n" && let atotal="$atotal+$a"
-  p "$n"
-  p '\33[0;44m'
-done < "$list"
-let percent="$esofar*100/$etotal"
-if [ "$percent" -gt 0 -a "$esofar" -gt 0 -a "$asofar" -gt 0 ]; then
-  let remain="($etotal-$esofar)*$asofar/$esofar"
-  let this="$estimate*$asofar/$esofar"
-out='\33[s\33[H\33[0;1;42m'"`hms $asofar` elapsed / $percent% complete = `hms $remain` left ($name: `hms $this`)"'\33[K\12'"$out"
-p '\33[K\12\16\33[1;33;43m'
-let bar="$esofar*$COLUMNS/$etotal"
-while [ "$bar" -gt 0 ]; do
-  p '0'
-  let bar="$bar-1"
-p '\17\33[K\33[m\33['"$firstline"'r\33[u'
-echo -ne "$out"
-if ! "$@"; then
-  echo -ne '\33[s\33[r\33[u'
-  exit 1
-let elapsed="`date +'%s'`-$start"
-echo "$elapsed" > $file
---- FILE root/sbin/setup ---
-#!/bin/sh -e
-mount "$target"
-if [ "`cd /$target; echo *`" != "lost+found" ]; then
-  echo "unexpected filesystem contents: $target" >&2
-  exit 1
-copy="dev etc lib"
-for i in /bin/* /sbin/*; do
-  ls -l "$i" | grep -q 'busybox$' && copy="$copy $i"
-(cd / && tar c $copy) | (cd "$target" && tar x)
-mkdir -p "$rootdir"
-for i in bin sbin lib; do
-  mv "$target/$i" "$rootdir/$i"
-  mkdir -p "$target/usr/$i"
-  ln -s "usr/$i" "$target/$i"
-touch "$rootdir/../build.log"
-for i in `cd "$rootdir" && find *`; do
-  ln -s "$relrootdir/$i" "$target/$i"
-for i in boot etc/dhcpc mnt/boot mnt/floppy mnt/cdrom proc root sys tmp usr/man var/empty var/lock var/run var/log var/spool/mail; do
-  mkdir -p "$target/$i"
-chmod 1777 "$target/tmp"
-for i in boot proc sys; do mount "$target/$i"; done
-ln -s "../usr/share/zoneinfo/`cat /etc/TZ`" "$target/etc/localtime"
-for i in inittab rc devfsd.conf protocols services rpc fdprm sgml xml; do
-  ln -sf "../usr/etc/$i" "$target/etc/$i"
-rm -fr "$target/etc/init.d"
-ln -s . "$target/usr/usr"
-ln -s gcc "$target/bin/cc"
-ln -s vim "$target/bin/vi.off"
-ln -s bash "$target/bin/sh.off"
-rm "$target/bin/sh"
-for i in `cd "$target/etc" && echo *.hd`; do
-  mv "$target/etc/$i" "$target/etc/`basename $i .hd`"
-chmod go-w "$target/dev"
-chmod -R go-w "$target/etc" 2>/dev/null || true # ignore broken symlinks
-[ -z "$USERS" ] && USERS=user
-USERS="`echo \"$USERS\" | sed -e 's/[^a-z0-9]/ /g; s/^  *//; s/  *$//'`"
-for i in $USERS; do
-  echo "$i:x:$uid:$uid:$i:/home/$i:/bin/zsh" >> "$target/etc/passwd"
-  echo "$i:x:$uid:" >> "$target/etc/group"
-  [ -r "$target/etc/user" ] || echo $i > "$target/etc/user"
-  mkdir -p "$target/home/$i"
-  chown $uid.$uid "$target/home/$i"
-  let uid="1+$uid"
 --- FILE root/sbin/devices ---
@@ -1233,800 +1047,6 @@
 [ -p /dev/initctl ] || mknod /dev/initctl p
 chmod 666 /dev/null
---- FILE root/sbin/swap ---
-# If available memory is less than "goalmegs" megabytes, create and activate
-# a swap volume to bring it up to that amount.
-# TODO: combine this with the /sbin/partition script.
-# BUG: the permanent fstab isn't getting updated
-read caption number units < /proc/meminfo
-if [ "$caption $units" != "MemTotal: kB" ]; then
-  echo "Error parsing /proc/meminfo: $caption $number $units" >2
-  exit 1
-let goalk="1024*$goalmegs"
-[ "$number" -ge "$goalk" ] && exit 0
-let lvk="$goalk-$number"
-set -e
-lvcreate -L "$lvk"k -n "$lvname" "$vgname"
-mkswap "$lvpath"
-echo "$lvpath swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
-swapon -a
---- FILE root/sbin/partition ---
-if [ "$*" != "foo" ]; then
-  set -e
-  echo ""
-  echo "Examining disks:"
-  $0 foo > /tmp/partition.tmp
-  grep '^# ' /tmp/partition.tmp
-  echo "Preparing to write new disk partitions as described above."
-  echo "Press any key to abort."
-  timeout 20
-  sh -ex /tmp/partition.tmp
-  rm /tmp/partition.tmp
-  exit 0
-# Environment variables:
-# Number of partitions to create on each disk.
-# Each partition will be an LVM2 physical volume (PE).
-# We split each disk into multiple partitions/PEs because there is no way
-# to resize a PE once it has been created.  It would be very difficult
-# to make room for another OS later on if we used only one PV per disk.
-# Linux only allocates 15 minor numbers for SCSI disk partitions;
-# if 1 is primary, 2 is extended, and 5-15 are logical, then there is a
-# maximum of 12 usable partitions per disk.
-# LVM2 physical extent (PE) size, in megabytes.  This must be a power of two!
-# Once the volume group (VG) has been created, its PE size can't be changed.
-# The maximum logical volume (LV) size for the VG is about 64k times PE size.
-# A PE size of 32 MB gets you a maximum LV size of 2 terabytes, which is
-# the maximum allowed, so there is no point in using a value larger than 32.
-# Each partition must be large enough to fit at least one PE (plus overhead),
-# or it won't be very useful.
-# Since each PV stores data in multiples of the PE size, smaller values might
-# waste a bit less space, especially on smaller drives.
-# Number of megabytes to allocate to the /boot logical volume.
-# /boot needs to be on a separate LV because current versions of lilo
-# seem to panic if the LV spans multiple PVs (even if they're on the
-# same disk!), so we need a special LV that is explicitly restricted to
-# one PV.
-# Percentage of the total space in the volume group to allocate to the
-# root logical volume we'll be creating.
-# Remaining space in the VG will be used for /boot, swap (if any),
-# by snapshots (for fsck or backups) and/or any other logical volumes
-# the user might decide to create later.
-# Volume group name.  If we want to be able to coexist peacefully with an
-# existing Linux setup that also uses LVM, this shouldn't conflict with any
-# existing volume group names.
-# Temporary file used to store munged parted output.
-  echo "$*" >&2
-  rm -f "$tmpfile"
-  exit 1
-  case "$1" in
-    */*) return 1 ;;
-    *[0-9]) return 1 ;;
-    [hs]d[a-z]*) return 0 ;;
-    *) return 1 ;;
-  esac
-# get/validate list of disks
-if [ -n "$DISKS" ]; then
-  for disk in $DISKS; do
-    valid_disk_name "$disk" || error "bad disk name: $disk"
-  done
-  while read major minor blocks name rest; do
-    valid_disk_name "$name" && DISKS="$DISKS $name"
-  done < /proc/partitions
-  [ -z "$DISKS" ] && error "no disks found"
-# create/check block device nodes for all disks
-for disk in $DISKS; do
-  path="/dev/$disk"
-  [ -b "$path" ] || error "not a block device: $path"
-  [ -r "$path" ] || error "can't read disk: $disk"
-  [ -w "$path" ] || error "can't write disk: $disk"
-# create partitions
-let pecount=0
-for disk in $DISKS; do
-  path="/dev/$disk"
-  parted="parted -s $path --"
-  diskmajor=""
-  diskminor=""
-  totalm=""
-  totalk=""
-  overwrite=""
-  lastminor=0
-  extminor=0
-  labeltype=""
-  primary1exists=""
-  primary2exists=""
-  primary3exists=""
-  primary4exists=""
-  case "$disk" in
-    h*) maxminor=63 ;; # IDE
-    s*) maxminor=15 ;; # SCSI
-    *) error "assertion failed: $disk"
-  esac
-  while read major minor blocks name rest; do
-    if [ "$name" = "$disk" ]; then
-      diskmajor="$major"
-      diskminor="$minor"
-      let totalm="$blocks/1024"
-      let totalk="($blocks%1024)*1000/1024"
-      case "$totalk" in
-        [0-9]) totalk="00$totalk" ;;
-        [1-9][0-9]) totalk="0$totalk" ;;
-        [1-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
-        *) error "assertion failed: disk=$disk blocks=$blocks k=$totalk"
-      esac
-    fi
-  done < /proc/partitions
-  [ -z "$totalm" ] && error "assertion failed: disk=$disk totalm=$totalm"
-  [ -z "$totalk" ] && error "assertion failed: disk=$disk totalk=$totalk"
-  [ -z "$diskmajor" ] && error "assertion failed: no major for disk=$disk"
-  [ -z "$diskminor" ] && error "assertion failed: no minor for disk=$disk"
-  sum=bf619eac0cdf3f68d496ea9344137e8b # md5sum of 512 zero bytes
-  if [ "$DESTROY" = "yes" ]; then
-    echo "# Entire disk $disk will be overwritten unconditionally."
-    overwrite="yes"
-  elif dd if="$path" bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5sum | grep -q "$sum"; then
-    echo "# Disk $disk appears to be empty; entire disk will be overwritten."
-    overwrite="yes"
-  else
-    echo "# Contents of disk $disk may be accidentally destroyed."
-    # TODO: tell user what partitions will go on this disk, if any
-    $parted print | sed -e 's/0\.000-//; s/\./ /g' > "$tmpfile"
-    while read one two three four five six rest; do
-      if [ "$one $two $three" = "Disk geometry for" ]; then
-        totalm="$five"
-        totalk="$six"
-      fi
-      [ "$one $two $three" = "Disk label type:" ] && labeltype="$one"
-      case "$one" in
-        [0-9]*)
-          [ "$one" -gt "$lastminor" ] && lastminor="$one"
-          [ "$six" = "extended" ] && extminor="$one"
-          [ "$six" = "primary" ] && eval "primary${one}exists=yes"
-          ;;
-      esac
-    done < "$tmpfile"
-    rm -f "$tmpfile"
-  fi
-  freeslot=0
-  for slot in 4 3 2; do
-    eval "[ -n \$primary{$slot}used ]" && freeslot="$slot"
-  done
-  if [ -n "$overwrite" ]; then
-    lastminor=0
-    extminor=0
-    labeltype="msdos"
-    echo "dd if=/dev/zero of=$path bs=512 count=1"
-    echo "$parted mklabel $labeltype"
-  fi
-  if [ "$labeltype" = "msdos" ] && [ "$extminor" -gt 0 -o "$freeslot" -gt 0 ]; then
-    let slicemegs="$totalm/$slices"
-    [ "$slicemegs" -le "$pemegs" ] && slicemegs=$totalm
-    let splitmegs="$slicemegs*2"
-    lastm=0
-    lastk=000
-    {
-      if [ -z "$overwrite" ]; then
-        $parted print | grep "^[0-9]" | cut -c 3- | sort -n | sed -e 's/\./ /g'
-      fi
-      echo "$totalm $totalk END END END END END"
-    } > "$tmpfile"
-    while read startm startk endm endk type fs flags; do
-      let gapmegs="($startm$startk-$lastm$lastk)/1000"
-      create=yes
-      while [ "$gapmegs" -gt "$pemegs" -a "$lastminor" -lt "$maxminor" -a -n "$create" ]; do
-        if [ "$gapmegs" -gt "$splitmegs" ]; then
-          let newendm="$lastm+$slicemegs"
-          newendk="$lastk"
-          let gapmegs="$gapmegs-$slicemegs"
-        else
-          newendm="$startm"
-          newendk="$startk"
-          gapmegs="0"
-        fi
-        let newminor="1+$lastminor"
-        if [ "$newminor" -eq 1 ]; then
-          newtype="primary"
-        else
-          newtype="logical"
-          [ "$newminor" -le 4 ] && newminor=5
-          if [ "$extminor" -eq 0 ]; then
-            extminor="$freeslot"
-            echo "$parted mkpart extended $lastm.$lastk -0"
-            echo "$parted set $extminor lba on"
-          fi
-        fi
-        echo "$parted mkpart $newtype ext2 $lastm.$lastk $newendm.$newendk"
-        echo "$parted set $newminor lvm on"
-        pvpaths="$pvpaths $path$newminor"
-        let newpecount="($newendm$newendk-$lastm$lastk)/($pemegs*1000)"
-        let pecount="$pecount+$newpecount"
-        lastm="$newendm"
-        lastk="$newendk"
-        lastminor="$newminor"
-      done
-      lastm="$endm"
-      lastk="$endk"
-    done < "$tmpfile"
-    rm -f "$tmpfile"
-  fi
-# create an ext3 filesystem on the new partitions
-[ -z "$pvpaths" -o "$pecount" -eq 0 ] && error "no room for new partitions"
-let lvextents="$pecount*$lvpercent/100"
-echo "devices"
-for pvpath in $pvpaths; do
-  echo "dd if=/dev/zero of=$pvpath bs=512 count=10"
-echo "pvcreate -fy -M2 $pvpaths"
-echo "vgcreate -s $pemegs $vgname $pvpaths"
-echo "lvcreate -L "$bootmegs"m -n boot $vgname" # TODO: restrict to first PV
-echo "lvcreate -l $lvextents -n root $vgname"
-echo "vgchange -ay $vgname"
-for lvname in boot root; do
-  lvpath="/dev/$vgname/$lvname"
-  echo "parted -s $lvpath -- mklabel loop"
-  echo "parted -s $lvpath -- mkpartfs primary ext2 0 -0"
-  echo "tune2fs -j $lvpath"
---- FILE root/sbin/bootable ---
-#!/bin/sh -e
-[ -d /mnt/root/proc/1 ] || ! echo "/mnt/root/proc not mounted?"
-[ -d /mnt/root/sys/class ] || ! echo "/mnt/root/sys not mounted?"
-rm -f /mnt/root/dev/dm-[0-9]*
-chroot /mnt/root vgscan
-chroot /mnt/root sh -c 'cp /usr/boot/* /boot/'
-[ -b /dev/hda ] || chroot /mnt/root perl -p -i -e 's/hda/sda/' /etc/lilo.conf
-exec chroot /mnt/root lilo "$@"
---- FILE root/sbin/toast ---
-[ -z "$TOAST_ARMDIR" ] && export TOAST_ARMDIR=/usr
-ls /mnt/root/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 && export TOAST_PRELOAD=false
-exec chroot /mnt/root /bin/toast "$@"
---- FILE root/sbin/utoast ---
-# utoast - minimal toast replacement script for toast linux toaststrap process
-# paths to use:
-# functions
-  echo "$*"
-  echo "# $*"
-  [ -n "$*" ] && echo "utoast: $*" >&2
-  echo "utoast: aborting" >&2
-  exit 1
-# parse command line
-# remaining args are urls
-[ -n "$*" ] || error "usage: $0 name version url..."
-# add
-[ -d "$verdir" ] && error "$name version $version has already been added"
-announce mkdir -p "$namedir"
-mkdir -p "$namedir" || error
-announce mkdir "$verdir"
-mkdir "$verdir" || error
-explain "creating $urlfile.tmp"
-for url in "$@"; do
-  echo "$url" >> "$urlfiletmp" || error
-announce mv "$urlfiletmp" "$urlfile"
-mv "$urlfiletmp" "$urlfile" || error
-# get
-announce mkdir "$archivedirtmp"
-mkdir "$archivedirtmp" || error
-for url in "$@"; do
-  announce "(cd $archivedirtmp && wget $url)"
-  (cd "$archivedirtmp" && wget "$url") || error
-announce mv "$archivedirtmp" "$archivedir"
-mv "$archivedirtmp" "$archivedir" || error
-# build
-announce mkdir "$builddir"
-mkdir "$builddir" || error
-explain "redirecting to $brokenlog"
-  explain "utoast building $name version $version"
-  announce date
-  date
-  announce uname -a
-  uname -a
-  announce env
-  env
-  announce cat "$urlfile"
-  cat "$urlfile"
-  announce md5sum "$archivedir"/*
-  md5sum "$archivedir"/*
-  # extract
-  announce mkdir "$srcdir"
-  mkdir "$srcdir" || error
-  for archive in "$archivedir"/*; do
-    explain "extracting $archive"
-    case "$archive" in
-      *.deb) dpkg-deb -x "$archive" "$srcdir" || error;;
-      *.tar.gz) (cd "$srcdir" && tar xzf "$archive") || error;;
-      *.tar.bz2) (cd "$srcdir" && tar xjf "$archive") || error;;
-      *) error "don't know how to extract: $archive";;
-    esac
-  done
-  # compile
-  isbin=false
-  for subdir in usr bin etc lib sbin; do
-    [ -d "$srcdir/$subdir" ] && isbin=true
-  done
-  for file in "$srcdir"/*; do
-    [ ! -d $file ] && isbin=false
-  done
-  if $isbin; then
-    announce mv "$srcdir" "$rootdir"
-    mv "$srcdir" "$rootdir" || error
-    # terrible hack: create "gcc" symlink for debian gcc-2.95 binary
-    if [ ! -x "$rootdir/usr/bin/gcc" ]; then
-      for gcc in $rootdir/usr/bin/gcc-*; do
-        if [ -x "$gcc" ]; then
-          announce ln -sf `basename $gcc` "$rootdir/usr/bin/gcc"
-          ln -sf `basename $gcc` "$rootdir/usr/bin/gcc"
-        fi
-      done
-    fi
-    # terrible hack: create "sh" symlink for bash-minimal binary
-    if [ ! -x "$rootdir/bin/sh" ]; then
-      for bash in $rootdir/bin/bash*; do
-        if [ -x "$bash" ]; then
-          announce ln -sf `basename $bash` "$rootdir/bin/sh"
-          ln -sf `basename $bash` "$rootdir/bin/sh"
-        fi
-      done
-    fi
-  else
-    # configure
-    makedir="$srcdir"
-    relmakedir="$relsrcdir"
-    subdir=`cd $makedir && echo *`
-    if [ -d "$makedir/$subdir" ]; then
-      makedir="$makedir/$subdir"
-      relmakedir="$relmakedir/$subdir"
-    fi
-    unconfigured=true
-    for confprog in configure.gnu configure; do
-      if $unconfigured && [ -x "$makedir/$confprog" ]; then
-        announce chroot "$chrootdir" sh -c "cd $relmakedir && ./$confprog --prefix=$relarmdir"
-        chroot "$chrootdir" sh -c "cd $relmakedir && ./$confprog --prefix=$relarmdir" || error
-        unconfigured=false
-      fi
-    done
-    $unconfigured && error "can't figure out how to configure"
-    # prepare rootdir
-    announce mkdir "$rootdir"
-    mkdir "$rootdir" || error
-    # make all install
-    if [ -r "$makedir/build.sh" ]; then
-      # bootstrap GNU make itself; work around apparent make 3.80 build.sh bug
-      announce "sed -e 's/\@REMOTE\@/stub/' < $makedir/build.sh > $makedir/build.sh.patched"
-      sed -e 's/\@REMOTE\@/stub/' < "$makedir/build.sh" > "$makedir/build.sh.patched" || error
-      announce chroot "$chrootdir" sh -c "cd $relmakedir && sh build.sh.patched"
-      chroot "$chrootdir" sh -c "cd $relmakedir && sh build.sh.patched" || error
-      announce PATH="$PATH:$relmakedir" chroot "$chrootdir" make -C "$relmakedir" install DESTDIR="$relrootdir"
-      PATH="$PATH:$relmakedir" chroot "$chrootdir" make -C "$relmakedir" install DESTDIR="$relrootdir" || error
-    else
-      announce chroot "$chrootdir" make -C "$relmakedir" all install DESTDIR="$relrootdir"
-      chroot "$chrootdir" make -C "$relmakedir" all install DESTDIR="$relrootdir" || error
-    fi
-    # fix rootdir
-    announce chmod -R -w "$rootdir"
-    chmod -R -w "$rootdir" || error
-    # autoclean
-    announce rm -fr "$srcdir"
-    rm -fr "$srcdir" || error
-  fi
-} 2>&1 | tee "$brokenlog" | sed 's/^/  /' || error
-[ -d "$rootdir" ] || error
-announce mv "$brokenlog" "$buildlog"
-mv "$brokenlog" "$buildlog" || error
-# arm
-  if ls "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    displace "$1.off"
-    announce mv "$1" "$1.off"
-    mv "$1" "$1.off" || error
-  fi
-(cd "$rootdir" && find .) | while read -r rel; do
-  rootfile="$rootdir/$rel"
-  relrootfile="$relrootdir/$rel"
-  armfile="$armdir/$rel"
-  if [ -d "$rootfile" ]; then
-    if [ ! -d "$armfile" ]; then
-      announce mkdir "$armfile"
-      mkdir "$armfile" || error
-    fi
-  else
-    [ -d "$armfile" ] && error "$armfile is a directory but $rootfile isn't"
-    displace "$armfile"
-    announce ln -s "$relrootfile" "$armfile"
-    ln -s "$relrootfile" "$armfile" || error
-  fi
---- FILE root/sbin/utoastdeb ---
-  echo "Locating Debian package $1/$2."
-  filename=`wget -O- "$url_base$1/" | sed -e 's/"/\n/g' | grep "^$2"'.*_i386.deb$' | tail -1`
-  if [ -z "$filename" ]; then
-    echo "Unable to locate Debian package $1/$2." >&2
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  urls="$urls $url_base$1/$filename"
-deb g/glibc libc6_2.3.2.ds1
-deb g/glibc libc6-dev_2.3.2.ds1
-deb l/linux-kernel-headers linux-kernel-headers_2.5.999
-deb b/binutils binutils_2.15
-deb g/gcc-3.4 gcc-3.4_3.4
-deb g/gcc-3.4 cpp-3.4_3.4
-deb g/gcc-3.4 libgcc1
-deb p/perl perl-base_5.8
-deb b/bash bash-minimal_3.0
-exec utoast bin 0 $urls
---- FILE root/sbin/add ---
-#!/bin/sh -e
-sed 's/\#.*//' << 'EOF' | grep . | while read x; do toast add $x; done
-# oddball essentials:
-glibc/2.3.2: [ http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.3.2.tar.bz2 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.2.tar.bz2 http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-2.4.25.tar.bz2 http://toastball.net/toast-linux-tmp/glibc-2.3.2-gcc-2.3.x.patch ]
-# http://www.rocklinux.net/sources/package/base/glibc23/gcc33-hotfix.patch
-# http://nl.lunar-linux.org/lunar/patches/glibc-2.3.2-newstyle.patch
-# http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/toolchain/glibc-2.3.2.diff
-# http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/lfs/5.0/glibc-2.3.2-sscanf-1.patch
-# http://www.muth.org/Robert/Patch/glibc-2.3.2.patch
-# http://sources.redhat.com/ml/bug-glibc/2003-10/msg00101/sscanf.c.diff
-# http://mirror.gentoo.ru/pub/mirror/gentoo-portage/sys-libs/glibc/files/2.3.2/glibc-2.3.2-gcc33-sscanf.patch
-# http://www.pengutronix.de/software/ptxdist/patches-0.5.0/glibc-2.3.2/generic/generic-sscanf.diff
-[ http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.5.tar.bz2 http://toastball.net/toast-linux-tmp/linux-2.6.5-config.tar.gz ]
-lilo/22.5.9-devmapper: [ http://lilo.go.dyndns.org/pub/linux/lilo/obsolete/lilo-22.5.9.tar.gz http://www.saout.de/misc/lilo-22.5.9-devmapper.patch ]
-genext2fs/1.3-7.1: [ http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/genext2fs/genext2fs_1.3.orig.tar.gz http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/genext2fs/genext2fs_1.3-7.1.diff.gz ]
-# other required packages:
-http://www.zsh.org/pub/old/zsh-4.2.0.tar.bz2 # "old" URL less likely to change
-# ftp.info-zip.org seems to be down today (8/31/04):
-# tricky optional packages:
-[ http://download.sourceforge.net/ghostscript/ghostscript-8.14.tar.gz http://download.sourceforge.net/gs-fonts/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz ] # what happened here? shouldn't fonts be 8.14 too?
-[ http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-1.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-2.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-3.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-4.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-5.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-6.tgz http://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.4.0/source/XFree86-4.4.0-src-7.tgz ]
-http://download.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/lex/flex-2.5.27.tar.bz2 # flex 2.5.31 is broken and can't build XFree86 4.4.0, for instance
-http://download.sourceforge.net/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.tar.bz2 # 2.1.7 seems to cause include problems with xft 2.1.2
-# Gnome and KDE:
-# additional GNOMEy-looking stuff
-# everything else:
---- FILE root/sbin/run ---
-#!/bin/sh -e
-t() { while [ -n "$1" ]; do task "$1" "$2" toast arm "$2"; shift 2; done; }
-task init "$0"
-task 2 network network
-task 123 partition partition
-task 1 swap swap
-task 1 setup setup
-task 89 bin utoastdeb
-task 54 make utoast make 3.80 http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-3.80.tar.bz2
-task 4 toast utoast toast 1.344 http://toastball.net/toast/toast-1.344.tar.gz
-task 0 add add
-t 88 gawk 267 coreutils 849 perl 755 gcc-core 537 binutils 5476 glibc 
-task 1200 rebuild toast rebuild make toast gawk coreutils perl
-t 6076 gcc 175 bash 55 sed 54 grep 9 gzip 75 tar 67 wget
-task 37 remove toast remove bin busybox gcc-core
-t 66 diffutils 16 bzip2 70 util-linux 25 module-init-tools 322 ncurses 485 gettext 60 readline 37 procps 22 patch 25 findutils 16 sysvinit 8 sysklogd 1871 linux 22 device-mapper 84 lvm2 16 bin86 64 nasm 27 lilo 327 e2fsprogs 7 devfsd 6 genext2fs 18 toastinit 1 toastlogin 4 iana-etc 238 zsh 34 net-tools 20 dhcpcd
-task 7 bootable bootable
-[ -n "$MINIMAL" ] && exit 0
-t 17 zlib
-task 500 openssl sh -c 'toast arm openssl && toast rebuild wget'
-t 192 openssh 192 vim 131 inetutils 50 less 98 parted 221 groff 13 man 30 man-pages 93 texinfo 172 cpio 14 hdparm 21 m4 76 bison 389 flex 22 autoconf 19 automake 57 file 76 libtool 38 kbd 19 ed
-# [ -z "$EXTRAS" ] && exit 0
-t 1004 tetex 571 python 407 db 54 gdbm 353 bind 19 autofs 182 curl 13 figlet 55 file 53 adns 76 gc 5 genromfs 327 gmp 490 httpd 15 ltrace 51 strace 61 minicom 23 bc 24 miscfiles 74 mtools 24 mtr 187 gnupg 0 mutt 207 nmap 180 ntp 423 ocaml 12 pciutils 0 postfix 38 procmail 127 proftpd 50 rcs 1000 samba 9 smartsuite 94 valgrind 98 zip 107 unzip 57 popt 44 pcre 835 subversion 235 cdrtools 38 libogg 128 libvorbis 163 lame 57 jpeg 57 libpng 64 tiff 327 netpbm
-(export LDFLAGS=-ldl; t 152 gale)
-# t 0 libmng 0 unison 0 syslinux 0 units 0 ghostscript 0 cvs
-# [ "$EXTRAS" = "X" ] || exit 0
-t 5679 XFree86 102 doctools 410 fvwm 32 lua 140 ion 551 xscreensaver 35 xdaliclock 176 alsa-lib
-# t 0 alsa-tools
-t 36 alsa-utils 128 freetype 66 fam 
-# t 0 t1lib
-t 134 xpdf 488 lesstif 334 sdl 1470 xine-lib 237 xine-ui 35 cdparanoia
-t 99 pkgconfig 117 audiofile 437 libxml2 181 libxslt
-t 0 gtk-doc 0 glib 0 libIDL 0 ORBit2 0 XML-Parser 0 intltool 0 libbonobo 0 fontconfig 0 render 0 xrender 0 xft 0 pango 0 atk 0 shared-mime-data
-RUN_QUERY_LOADER_TEST=true t 0 gtk+
-t 0 mozilla 0 GConf 0 gnome-mime-data 0 gnome-vfs 0 esound 0 libgnome 0 libart 0 libglade 0 libgnomecanvas 0 libbonoboui 0 hicolor-icon-theme 0 gnome-icon-theme 0 gnome-keyring 0 libgnomeui 0 startup-notification 0 gtk-engines 0 gnome-themes 0 scrollkeeper 0 gnome-desktop 0 libwnck 0 gnome-panel 0 gnome-session 0 vte 0 gnome-terminal 0 libgtop 0 gail 0 gnome-applets 0 metacity 0 libgsf 0 libcroco 0 librsvg 0 eel 0 nautilus 0 control-center 0 libgtkhtml 0 yelp 0 bug-buddy 0 libgnomeprint 0 libgnomeprintui 0 gtksourceview 0 gedit 0 eog 0 ggv 0 file-roller 0 gconf-editor 0 gnome-utils 0 gal 0 gnome-system-monitor 0 gstreamer 0 gst-plugins 0 gnome-media 0 gnome-netstatus 0 gcalctool 0 gpdf 0 gucharmap 0 nautilus-cd-burner 0 zenity 0 gnome-speech 0 at-spi 0 gnome-mag 0 gnopernicus 0 gok 0 epiphany 0 gnomemeeting 0 gnome-games 0 gnome2-user-docs 0 dasher 0 gdm 0 libgail-gnome 0 libxklavier 0 nautilus-media
-t 0 qt 0 arts 0 kdelibs 0 kdebase 0 kde-i18n 0 kdeaccessibility 0 kdeadmin 0 kdeartwork 0 kdebindings 0 kdeedu 0 kdegames 0 kdegraphics 0 kdemultimedia 0 kdenetwork 0 kdepim 0 kdesdk 0 kdetoys 0 kdeutils 0 kdevelop 0 quanta 0 kdeaddons
-t 0 firefox 0 xmms 0 gimp 0 gkrellm
---- FILE root/sbin/respin ---
-#!/bin/sh -e
-echo "This script destroys both the hard disk partition table and the floppy."
-echo "Press any key to abort."
-timeout 10
-wget -O /dev/fd0 http://toastball.net/toast-linux-tmp/floppy.img
-dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
-sleep 20
-echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
 --- FILE linux-config ---